As the world faces a climate emergency, we’re trying to do our own little part by creating an environmentally-friendly ecosystem. One that will help the world... and your pocket!
In order to reduce the amount of trash we make, and hence reduce our carbon footprint, we proudly introduce our RawBack Program. All our packaging (glass bottles, thermal bags, cooling gels) can be returned, where we will add credits towards your next purchase via your preferred platform: store credits, Wongnai rewards, or Line rewards.
2 thermal bags = 2.5 baht credit
4 cooling gels = 2.5 baht credit
1 bottle (85ml)* = 2.5 baht credit
1 bottle (250ml)* = 5 baht credit
1 bottle (480ml)* = 5 baht credit
*Please rinse the bottle
Free pick up when returning a minimum of 24 (250ml/480ml) bottles per run
Cleanse Programs
Coming soon!